So it was 12:30 AM. My roommate had just gone to bed and I was still working on my assignment. Suddenly we heard an abrupt knock on our door. Puzzled and thinking that it might be our RA, we ran to the door and opened it cautiously. There stood a very tall boy, but not our RA, who asked if he could enter in order to... jump on our floor.
We paused and stared, but as we gave a semi-honest approval he slipped inside and asked us to help him. As we jumped and shouted out cries of confusion, he explained that he and his friends had taped
Cheez-Its to the ceiling in the room below ours, and were trying to see if jumping on the ceiling--our floor--"would dislodge them."
After a minute or so, he thanked us and ran out. Our
suitemate then came out of her room, questioning what the ruckus was about. We explained to her what happened, and by then we were all laughing.
So this morning, my roommate and I carried out the plan we conceived last night to seek revenge on the boys on the floor below us. First we go out to the convenience store, where we buy two boxes of
Cheez-Its (classic and white cheddar... for aesthetics) and dental floss. When we get back to our room, we proceed to string the
Cheez-Its onto the dental floss--in alternating colors of course.

We then stake out the area, but to our dismay, one of the room's inhabitants is [unknowingly] keeping guard over the room.
But after another couple hours, we decide to check back after dinner and gleefully find the door closed, indicating that the room's inhabitants were finally gone. We run and grab our things, and my roommate recruits one of her friends from that floor to help us.
We proceed to string up all ten strings of
Cheez-Its across the door. "No! Intertwine them! Intertwine them!" whispers the friend. The strands become
criss-crossed all over. Then when we're finished, he says, "Wait! You want to make sure they can't just take it down!" So he takes the mailing tape and reinforces the attachments... and adds lines of tape across the doorway as well.

Then we retreat to his room, where we write a note saying, "Just in case you're bored... dislodge this!" which we stuck on the door. After thanking the friend for his help, we proceed back to our room, where I say, "We should have written, 'This is judgment from those above you!'" My roommate agrees, so she writes that out, and we run back, stick that on their door as well, and retreat again.

We laugh when we're back in our room. Operation
Cheez-It: Success.
Ah, bonding activities.
But what about the aftermath?
As of this point, they still haven't paid us a visit, but I suspect that we're going to find a little surprise for us tomorrow or something of that sort.
If not then that would just be boring.