Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mid-Semester Crisis

So I just submitted my writing assignment. Yep, it's due at midnight. I totally forgot about it again, but yes, I got it done because I'm just THAT good.

Actually, that's complete BS. I don't know what's wrong with me lately, but I just haven't been able to get things done.

My roommate has deemed it, "Mid-Semester Crisis." Apparently, she says she's getting lazy too and as of recent has been misplacing everything imaginable. As for me, I've just been eating and sleeping a lot, and I seriously haven't even been able to force myself to do work lately. What a pain.

On the other hand, I wonder if it's because I'm beginning to find friends here. On Friday, I went grocery shopping with Caca, Soos, and Izzy, and we picked up cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory on the way back too. When we got back to Caca's dorm kitchen, we microwave-cooked the pasta we had just bought and feasted on that for dinner.

On Saturday, I ate lunch with Saa and then went to Starbucks to study, although this proved counterproductive, at least for me. Afterward, I ate dinner with my roommate and then another friend came over. Then our neighbors from across the hall happened to come by and wanted to play Apples to Apples, so the eight of us did that before going to Late Night for food and heading back for the night.

Today, I studied with Saa again, but this time we went to the library so I was slightly more productive. After a few hours, Caca called me for dinner, and so I listened to her funny stories before coming back to my dorm and realizing that I had writing homework due.

And so it comes full circle... except I still have to finish reading for my writing class, and finish the reading for my Holocaust L&F class too.

... Yeah, I should probably get on that.

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