Wednesday, August 29, 2007


The sun was still shining, the air still hot, but it was quiet. Not the kind of quiet that indicates silence, but rather stillness. The rambunctiousness has gone, and this is what we are left with.

As we struggle to live out our last days of summer, we are constantly burdened by the feeling of impending struggle, of imminent entrapment, come to drag us back to that from which we came. Summer is winding down, and it's obvious.

It feels like the end. It feels like the time for new beginnings. The bastion of weeks has been reduced to a wall of days, and as always time will break through. The 42-week war will begin again, and it will be time to fight once more.

Right now, right now it's different. We sit, we play, we laugh. It's fun, but with every chuckle our hearts grow heavier, as the sun sinks faster and faster into the evening sky.

It's time to appreciate what the days have left behind.

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