Morons Never Learn
They say, "Morons never learn."
So I guess that makes me the biggest moron on earth because even though I've had my ass saved, I still can't bring myself to just suck it up and do this report that was actually supposed to be due a few days ago.
See what happened was that I was actually assigned this two months ago... but I had school! You can't possibly expect me to actually write a report when I have AP tests, SATs, SAT IIs, and ACTs to study for! Anyway, official regents week started a week and a half ago, and of course, guess what happens? My mentor finally gives me a due date right at the start of regents week, so it's not even like I could have rushed to do it before testing started. Yes, I know I didn't study that much during regents week, but would you want to have studied after three straight months of intense cramming for collegeboard exams? Besides, it wasn't entirely because I didn't care anymore (sort of), but also because after studying for AP exams, wouldn't you think a regents would be a piece of cake? Well, it sort of is, but did you ever get that feeling right before where you suddenly realize you may have forgotten everything in the past month? Yeah, that feeling.
I mean, not to say it was my mentor's fault... Besides the fact that I had two months to do it, she couldn't have possibly known that I had regents to take, especially since the university is already on summer break. So I'm not blaming her for anything. In fact, she's the one who told me not to worry about not having it done, and thus, saved my ass. But wouldn't you think that an experience like that would be a slap in the face for me? Well, I must not have felt it since I'm still sitting on my bum being lazy like I usually am, uploading pictures, blogging, and not doing my report.
Morons never learn.
But I can't be a complete moron because you know that saying, "A messy desk is a sign of genius?" Well according to this picture, I must be Einstein reincarnated:
So I guess that makes me the biggest moron on earth because even though I've had my ass saved, I still can't bring myself to just suck it up and do this report that was actually supposed to be due a few days ago.
See what happened was that I was actually assigned this two months ago... but I had school! You can't possibly expect me to actually write a report when I have AP tests, SATs, SAT IIs, and ACTs to study for! Anyway, official regents week started a week and a half ago, and of course, guess what happens? My mentor finally gives me a due date right at the start of regents week, so it's not even like I could have rushed to do it before testing started. Yes, I know I didn't study that much during regents week, but would you want to have studied after three straight months of intense cramming for collegeboard exams? Besides, it wasn't entirely because I didn't care anymore (sort of), but also because after studying for AP exams, wouldn't you think a regents would be a piece of cake? Well, it sort of is, but did you ever get that feeling right before where you suddenly realize you may have forgotten everything in the past month? Yeah, that feeling.
I mean, not to say it was my mentor's fault... Besides the fact that I had two months to do it, she couldn't have possibly known that I had regents to take, especially since the university is already on summer break. So I'm not blaming her for anything. In fact, she's the one who told me not to worry about not having it done, and thus, saved my ass. But wouldn't you think that an experience like that would be a slap in the face for me? Well, I must not have felt it since I'm still sitting on my bum being lazy like I usually am, uploading pictures, blogging, and not doing my report.
Morons never learn.
But I can't be a complete moron because you know that saying, "A messy desk is a sign of genius?" Well according to this picture, I must be Einstein reincarnated:

Yeah, I have a lot of work to do this summer...
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