Monday, June 1, 2009

Parlez-vous français?

I started my "Intensive Elementary French" classes today. They run from 6:00-9:30 PM, Monday through Thursday. Parlez-vous, "Eff my life?"

Though of course, since I've taken french before it's pretty easy so far. It's definitely coming back to me somewhat. Plus the professor seems pretty nice. She let us go early today since not everyone had the book, which was good since it wasn't completely dark out yet and I wanted to make sure I knew how to get home. I probably shouldn't get my hopes up, but it would be nice if she always let us out early (three and a half hours is just ridiculous, n'est pas?).

In other news, my laptop came back to me today, but since I had to leave early to pick up my textbook I wasn't home to receive it. Oh, what a pain...

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