Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 Outlook

So I don't believe in horoscopes AT ALL... but I kind of liked what it had to say.

My "Overview" was naturally vague, and I think I already self-determined most of it myself (being less materialistic, going with the flow, finding security and growth, etc.).

"By surrendering to your higher power, you realize you don't have to struggle as much to get what you want. As you open up to the ideas and energies flowing around you, your priorities shift dramatically... Great opportunities arise as your explore your potential, and discover what kind of environment best serves you in your endeavors. Being in touch with this part of yourself helps you align with your higher purpose, and your drive to continue will lead to great success."

In particular though, I quite liked what my surprisingly-specific career outlook had to say:

"You're fascinated by just about everything that happens in 2009, and you'll be inspired to pursue all the opportunities that come your way. Writing and other forms of communication are a great way to put your higher ideals and dreams into motion. Writing about your success in overcoming obstacles could be of great benefit to the world."

"The exchange of ideas brings balance and harmony into your work. Trusting that everything is in divine order will help bring you great success and comfort in your career. As long as you are in tune with your own personal energy, and respect the ebb and flow of life, you are able to recharge and realign yourself to the new work possibilities on the horizon. Come springtime, you will discover new creative outlets and reach new mastery in your work as you connect with a higher purpose."

Coincidence? Of course. But I like it. I'll take it as a wink from the universe.

Oh and you know what else I like? This article giving three reasons why it's good to sleep late.

According to the article, "you may need more sleep than you think" (apparently people used to average 10 hours a night), "night owls are more creative" (which makes sense to me!), and "rising early is stressful" (the stress hormone peaks around 7 AM).

Hm... now that I think about it, I had to wake up at 7 AM for seven years, for both middle and high school.

Coincidence? For this one I think I can say, "I think not!"

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