Thursday, December 20, 2007

Life and the Absurd

So today was not a very pleasant day in terms of my encounters while meandering up and down the social grapevine. I made quite a few discoveries, none of which I am happy about at all.

Item One: Fat Bastard, as he shall hence be called, a boy (if he may even be called that) who has lived an overpampered, overprivileged life, cocky with conservative ideals and repugnant with racist thoughts, a boy who has indeed been "diagnosed" I suppose as being retarded, has been officially accepted to Cornell, on a golf scholarship no less.

Item Two: While they are indeed very, very, very good runners, the M Twins have apparently been accepted into Columbia University and Brown University on running scholarships. While the Brit has also been accepted to Brown on a sports scholarship, at least she really is smart. The M Twins, however, really aren't. I've heard they have 92 averages? I assume that's weighted already too.

Item Three: The Pig has been feeding off the community trough again. In other words, because she was deferred from Yale, she is now applying to approximately thirty schools, including all the Ivies except Harvard (oh the irony) and several safety schools. So in addition to making us all look horribly stupid by having a GPA that is two points above the usual Valedictorian average (making the difference between oneself and the Valedictorian SO much greater), she insists on barring us from the schools we love most.


While I'm not interested in Cornell myself, I've found out from my confidant, FatMan, that my coworker, who has been worrying for at least the past week, has been deferred from the university. While I'm not sure how he compares to students in his own school, one can be sure that he is certainly smarter than the fat lard that did get in. What pisses me off further is the fact that a girl last year, eighth in the class, Intel Semi-Finalist and everything, still got deferred to the January term. So how did this retarded mama's boy, who isn't even good at golf, get accepted into this Ivy League institution? "How much did his dad donate?" was the first thing my friends assumed. I laughed. He kept saying,"Oh, the coach called me last night," however, so I personally think they bribed the coach. While I admit that I really don't have any basis for these assumptions, my peers and I have spent enough time with him to know that he really has lived an overprivileged life. His family truly knows how to pull strings, and it has been like that since the beginning. There was never anything we could do about it, and even now, all we can hope for is that upon arriving at college, away from his mommy, he will crash and burn.

As for the M Twins, as kind and talented as they are, they do not deserve to go to Ivy League institutions at all. What pisses me off here is that I simply could have not studied, played tennis instead, and I would probably have the same average, perhaps even higher. Yet at the same time, according to our school's acceptance history, I'm probably going to be waitlisted or outright rejected from Columbia, and outright rejected from Brown.

Speaking of Brown, the fact that the Pig is applying there does not make the situation any better. Aside from the two girls who have been accepted on athletic scholarships, one of whom is more or less third in the class, the Salutatorian and now Valedictorian are both applying as well. So what does it make me? Some little insignificant creature that's just floating around in the back of the line, that's what it makes me. Just like a piece of crap in the toilet...

Anyway, the fact of the matter is that by applying to so many schools, schools she probably personally doesn't want to go to herself, she is certainly barring some lone person from the school of his or her dreams. (There's no shame in it at all. Only selfishness and greed.)

I only hope the school of my dreams knows a real person from this phony. Like a loyal wife, I'd like to think that I know my husband well, and that his morals and ideals will not falter in the presence of an invasive whore.

Except, in that sense, we're not married yet.

But anyway, if I'm wrong, the last chapter of my memoir will have been written.

I'm outraged about a few other things too, but I'll allow this to be the topic of the day.

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