Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Procrastinating, As Usual

Yeah, so despite the fact that I really shouldn't be blogging right now, life's been a bitch and I realized I hadn't updated in a while.

I am so overwhelmed. Or not even overwhelmed, but dead tired. Tennis really sucks the time out of my life and the life out of me. Not to mention that aside from the normal schoolwork (and very inconveniently scheduled exams) that accompanies four A.P. classes, I have an extra paper due at the end of the week, the deadline for which I absolutely cannot miss.

So you'd think that with all this schoolwork and extraneous events that I'd get my fat arse into gear and tackle things one by one.

But alas, here I am, blogging when I should be studying two different A.P. subjects, or at least making an effort to progress on things that are due soon.

Sigh... I suppose it makes sense though that the more work one has, the more he or she will procrastinate. Or at least that's what I decided. Actually, I really don't care at this point.

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