Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Crazy Southern Chick

Congrats to Crazy Southern Chick who managed to make so much of an impression on me in one sighting that I just had a nightmare about her as I was napping and therefore felt the need to blog about today's events.

So I was sitting with Roni in the lobby after our last Science Research meeting, where there's this girl standing there. Normal enough. A blue van pulls up to the school though, and an old teacher who is also hanging about the lobby asks us if it's for us. Don't know why, but the girl suddenly decides to chime in herself, repetitively, "IS ANYONE WAITING FOR A BLUE VAN? IS ANYONE WAITING FOR A BLUE VAN?" (Oh, and there's no one else in the lobby.)

Um... weird. Girl leaves. We continue talking until it's time to go outside.

We continue to talk. Suddenly, in random bursts...




I realize to whom she's directing her shouts to, and think they're joking. Never seen the girl before. Maybe they were friends?


Whaaaaaaat. Where did that-

Then in a mocking tone, "UHAHA, UHAHA. LOOK AT ME. I'M A BITCH. I LIKE TO CUT MYSELF... I'M FAT."

Whoa! Obviously not friends. Southern accent became apparent though... Strange girl gets rebranded as Crazy Southern Chick.

Roni turns to me and quietly says, "Are they from the middle school? There's no way they're in high school. I mean... look, she even has an animal backpack."

I respond, "Nah, they must be from the middle school. I've never seen them before."

A group of underclassmen boys comes out of the building, calling the three girls' names.

CSC side-gallops her way towards them with her head unnaturally bobbing to the side with each step. In a horrid attempt to speak in a flirty voice, "Wah, those BITCHES are making fun of me."

"Who's making fun of you," the boy asks.

"Them! Go beat 'em up for me!"

WOW. Is that what you do down South? And I thought Southern girls were supposed to have class!

I kept wondering if I should have intervened, but eventually it became time to go. Besides, I wasn't about the stop CSC from making a complete fool out of herself when the other party wasn't in danger of getting hurt... or even remotely bothered. When I boarded the bus, the other kids on my route started to voice their confusion over the whole matter, and I find out from one girl that CSC just moved here and is actually a sophomore.

WOW. Really? Because she looked and sounded like some immature, pubescent little middle schooler who was cursing to impress the big kids. Amazing!

Yeah, screaming and cursing at random people... NOT cool, and NOT the way to make a good first impression on your new school.

But of course, sometimes the things that should be most logical to people make me want to cry most.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What the fuck is this post about?